"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Woman on the edge

The problem is, there just isn't ENOUGH chocolate! My "acting as if" did indeed carry me through the weekend. The really cool cool cow suitcase arrived and now has all of Adam's things packed in it. I finally got started on moving from one bedroom to the other with an eye towards getting started painting Adam's room this weekend. I picked up my typhoid and malaria meds -- if anyone needs to know, the typhoid vaccine is $80. Its the only one of all the vaccines that Oxford didn't cover. I guess they don't mind shelling out for typhoid treatment. LOL! Oh well, $80 is a bargain not to get typhoid.

My positive attitude momentum started to flag a little this morning but came crashing to a halt at about 1:30 when I found out that my visa is back, but that the embassy only gave me a ONE-MONTH visa! AAAIIIEEEE!!!!!

And, of course, its Tuesday, when Katie and Jynger have the all day social worker meetings so I can't get them on the phone and can't proceed without them. Do I send it back to be re-done? Well, that's another 10 days for processing, so I have to be sure my travel date won't comeup in those 10 days and I will be without my passport and visa. If I can be assured I will travel and be home by September 15 (my birthday, coincidentally), then I can leave it be. This amorphous "I think sometime soon but can't really say" travel date makes thing so stressful and complicated.

I realized how very close I am to the edge at all times with the adoption. It's been 5 months since my referral. In 3 weeks it will be 5 months since my log-in date. And I have just had enough. I have hit the wall.


Jessica said...

I am praying for you! This is rediculous!!! There is no reason you should not have been there already! Keep hanging on!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Kathy! You certainly do not need the visa hassle on top of everything else. How could they get that wrong?? I hope Jynger gets back to you soon -- have you tried calling the main number to have them get her on her cell phone? This is definitely an emergency!

Then again, maybe because of the visa they will HAVE to let you travel this month!!

Cindy, Chuck, and Rhett said...

Sorry to hear about that! That's the last thing you need to worry about. I think the same thing happened to Scott and Leslie (Avery' parents) when they applied for their Visa's in June. I think they only had to wait a few days to get them corrected after they sent their passports back to the Embassy.

Scott and Leslie said...

The same thing happened to Scott and I. We were so excited to be getting our VISA and then, bam...it was only a one month VISA. We had to once again pay the fee to be delivered back to Washington D.C. for corrections. It only took a few days to fix. None the least, still rather disappointing. Hang in there!