"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another one for the "What is wrong with people?" collection

So yesterday was my first day back at the office and Adam's first day back at school since Dec 16. In the afternoon, there was a retirement party for my dearest friend which Adam attended. Towards the end of the party, he hit the wall. It had been a long, exciting day and he had been so good and he was just DONE and a tantrum ensued. It was one of those tantrums where he slapped me in the face. I immediately put him down on the floor and let him lay there screaming.

So he laid there on the floor and screamed and occasionally I reached down for him, he slapped at my hands , I told him again that he couldn't sit on my lap if he was going to hit, and would resume what I was doing. I wasn't particularly stressed by this. It had been a long day, he was overtired and overstimulated and he's two!

You would have thought that the people at the party had never seen a tantruming child before! 4 or 5 of them stood in a semi-circle around Adam, staring down at him as if he were some sort of specimen and discussing what was wrong and what should be done. "You need to pick him up!" one said. Nope, sorry, he doesn't get to sit on my slap if he's going to slap me in the face. "It's a classic cry for attention -- he needs your attention." Nope, he'd been getting it constantly the entire party. "Its a battle of the wills! He's just willful!" AAAIIIEEEE!!!! No, no, no! He's TWO! He's tired! He's overstimulated! The worst was the one who kept trying to get him to drink some water because "We have a rule in our house -- if water comes out, like crying or sweating, water has to go in!" Uh, gee, thanks but, this is not YOUR house. Back off people!

After about 15 minutes, Adam calmed down on his own, as I knew he would, and we cuddled a bit and he was happy for the rest of the night.


Jason and Erin said...

AAAAAH! I'm so there! Not so much with the advice, most of my peeps are pretty good about that, but the tantrums! So frustrating! How's the school situation with Adam? We're just starting and... yikes. This momma stuff is hard!

B.E.C.K. said...

The "we have a rule in our house" person cracks me up. How inappropriate of them to try to impose their rule on your kid! I'm not one of thse people who can always think of the right thing to say at the moment I need it, but I would have loved if you'd told them, "I'll remember that when I come to YOUR HOUSE."

I love your blog and your son is absolutely precious! :)