"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Monday, August 25, 2008

I was going to post today...

...a long rambling post, with a little whining, some fun stories.....but I just received very sad news from a friend who was waiting on travel for her baby girl. The baby girl has just been diagnosed with a very serious health condition and they will not be able to bring her home. As you can imagine, their hearts are breaking. And mine is too. I just want to go home and hug my healthy child and feel grateful.


Kathy Miritello said...

How sad for the prospective mother and particularly for that little girl. It certainly does put things in perspective, doesn't it, as to what is really important in life?

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the family.