"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The things people say

I was standing on the corner waiting to cross the street the other night, with Nea on the leash and Adam on the stroller. A woman who was walking by paused to look at us and then burst out with "God, its annoying enough to have to walk a dog -- I can't imagine having a baby too!" and then walked on. LOL!


Jennifer said...

sounds like something my boss would say....

S. said...

What????? Oh my goodness.
Hey, when are you coming down here? I lost your address! E-mail me! deacongirl at roverusa dot com

Dianna said...

Ha! Some people :)

Heather M. said...

Just wait...there will be many more weird comments to come. I should have saved them all & written a book! Hope you have a nice holiday season.
Heather M.

Anonymous said...

What happened to you and Adam? How were the holidays?