"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Apparently, I spoke too soon!

Daycare just called and said Adam won't nap, cries most of the day and only starts to play with the other kids late in the afternoon. I was afraid they were going to throw him out! I was able to talk to the teacher and explain that he's only been home since September 23 and has been through a lot of big changes in the past 3 months. I think she understood. Realistically, he's only been in daycare six and half days and I don't think that's enough time for him to adjust. He certainly can't be the only kid they've ever had who's had trouble adjusting to daycare!

Have any of you been through this? Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I don't really have first hand experience with adjustment issues to daycare, but I thought I'd write anyway. One, adjustment issues are not unusual, don't let them fool you into thinking that!

One thing that may help is if you can spend maybe 30 minutes to an hour each morning at daycare with Adam. If he sees you enjoying yourself with the other kids, and with the caretakers, and playing with the toys then he should be more likely to accept it himself.

I went with Parker many times before he began daycare and just sat with him in the room, playing with him and the teacher - and I am convinced that those times helped tremendously smooth out his transition.

Hope things begin to settle down soon for you and Adam!

Dianna said...

Don't worry about it... Anna failed fingerpainting because she didn't like to get her hands dirty and she had 'sharing issues'. Now she loves daycare and she's one of her teacher's favorites. I like Jonathan's idea of letting Adam see you playing with the kids and toys, but I'd also have a talk with the director and let her know about Adam's circumstances.

Scott and Leslie said...

My personal opinion is...that Adam is going to need a little longer adjusting to daycare than most might. He has certainly been through some major changes in a short period of time.

Are Adams teachers different in the afternoon than they are in the morning? Is anything different?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't assume the teacher was being negative or insensitive. Perhaps she was being honest. You wouldn't want her to sugar coat htat everything is going just fine. Many chindren have adust ment issues going to a new caregiver/school and Adam certainly has had his world turned upside down. Does he have a toy or a blanky that you could sleep with right by your skin that wouod hold your smell on it? It may comfort him especially at nap time.