"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yesterday was the big day.....

I go back to work Wednesday so I started Adam in daycare Monday. Its a lovely place -- the focus is on fostering self-esteem through learning. His day includes art time, reading time and dance and music time. I think he's going to have a ball! He did cry when I left him yesterday, but I made goodbye quick and simple. When I picked him up, it was snack time and he was sitting in a high chair quite contentedly playing. (Sitting quietly in a high chair has yet to happen in our house!) He started to cry when he saw me. The teacher said he did cry a lot, but that he did nap and had a bottle and ate a whole yogurt! I'm very impressed! He stopped crying by the time we got to the elevator and walked happily home and was fine all night.

I anticipate this morning would be harder, as he now would realize I was going to leave him there. There were no tears at all when we got to the building and when we got off the elevator he walked straight to his classroom and waved hello to the teacher! He did start to cry at the "hand off", but all in all, it could not have gone better. Whew!


Leigh said...


The child...he sleepeth...at least according to the pictures!

Hope things continue to settle down for you two. You're doing a great job! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you both, knowing this was the "big week" with you having to return to work. Glad to hear Adam is showing his resiliency and handled day care so well. Sounds as though you have a wonderful place for him to thrive and grow, too!