"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The best laid plans...

.... last night I happily dragged the box containing the crib into the living room, opened it, and started the long-awaited process of putting it together. The instructions were simple and clear and I was relieved to see I would be able to do it myself. I'm happily moving along, successfully attaching the back legs to the appropriate back piece/headboard of the crib and come to the step of attaching the front legs. I get out the appropriate hardware and turn to my pile o' pieces to get the front legs and....there aren't any. I run to the box and open it, thinking I've left them in the box, but no! There aren't any! AAAIIIIEEEE!!!! I can't tell you how many times I went back to the box and triple and quintuple checked, as if the front legs were going to magically appear. LOL! I never learn about doing things at the last moment.
I'm not going to stress about it. The legs will be here by the time we get back and all will be well. I'm going to get everything else in order and happily get on that plane tomorrow. Will the air marshalls arrest me if I joyously greet the crew with hugs?

I got a nice going-away gift today -- this updated photo of a sleepy, cranky looking boy -- maybe he's having a bad dream? Don't worry boo boo, Mama's on her way!


Anonymous said...

I am SO EXCITED for you!! I'm sure the airport security and crew will have never seen such a happy passenger. :)

The crib thing cracked me up. How do they forget to pack the LEGS of the crib?? Kind of important!!

S. said...

OK--for a second I just about had a heart attack reading your title--glad it is only crib legs anyway! It will all work out. Please keep us posted while in VN, sending all very best wishes for a fabulous union with your sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, he does look a bit stressed in that picture. Perhaps he's freaking out about having a crib with only 2 legs? ;)

I cannot believe you are going!!! SOOOOOO excited for you. I cannot wait to hear all about your trip over. Have safe travels!!!

Kelli said...

Best of luck with your trip to Vietnam. I am very excited for you!

Julie said...

Best wishes on your trip!!

Ruth said...

So excited for you! And yes, the leg thing (checking it again and again and again) i can totally relate to! travel safely.

Dianna said...

I love his pajamas! At least they fit better than poor Phoebe's clothes :) What a cutie. Sorry to hear about the crib legs - you'd think they'd check the packaging *lol* Be safe and enjoy every minute of your trip!!!