"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh, so THIS is the hard part...

...ok, its been 25 days since my referral, since the first moment I saw my son's face. While the initial euphoria has most definitely NOT passed and has, in fact, deepened, the first flurry of activity around the referral has died down. And, for the first time in the process, this finally feels really, really hard.

Since the moment I submitted my initial application, the process itself involved me very actively for many months. Suddenly, my role has become very passive -- I wait. When I got the email saying I was on the waiting list, there was a sense of relief at the transition in my role, knowing it was all out of my hands. My referral came so quickly -- 5 days -- and then the joy, the love, his beautiful little face.

And now the waiting. A different waiting -- knowing who he is, where he is, every picture and fact about him already a part of our history together -- but we're not together.

I don't think I'm going to be good at this part.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yes, this is the hardest part! But, it's the part that brings the greatest reward. It'll happen - not when you want it to - but, it will happen. Hang in there!