...I was having a dream this weekend where I was in a new, different apartment. It was the middle of the night and I was walking from room to room and noticing how easy it would be for someone to break in, windows that
wouldn't lock, fire escapes that would provide easy access and the like. In the dream, I was very frightened. At this point, my ex-boyfriend showed up at the door, as he was wont to do, after my not having seen him for some time. He would often vanish from my life and return months, or even years later just when I had begun to get over him.
At that moment I woke because Adam called for me, crying, and I stumbled to his room. He had apparently been having a nightmare and was scared so I picked him up to comfort him. As I stood there with my crying child clinging to me, I was so grateful that THIS was my life, and not the one in the dream.