"Before we met, I wanted you...Before I found you, I loved you...Before I touched your face, I would die for you...This is the miracle of love."

How Old is Adam?


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Almost settled.....

....so I spoke to my therapist about the whole July daycare dilemma. Her opinion was that Helen's sudden absence from day care has triggered some of Adam's loss memories from the adoption. Like here's another caretaker whom he loves and trusts who is suddenly gone. And he might be afraid that could happen with me too. I've noticed since Helen has been out, he wants to be carried home from daycare, where previously he was insistent on walking everywhere.

Her opinion is that the best and easiest thing for him would be that I rent a car and let him stay with Helen during the vacation. She thinks its just too soon and too much change all at once for him. Next year, he will be a little over 3 when vacation break comes, much more secure, and able to understand more and it should be a whole different ball game.

In talking about my fears about his inflexibility and I realized its only about daycare that routine is so important to him. Over the weekend, we went to a party full of people he'd never met on Saturday, and to a cousin's house on Sunday and he was at ease in both place immediately and very friendly and open. In contrast, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge the existence of the teacher at school who fills in in Helen's absence. He's fine with the two teachers he is used to, but won't even respond at all to substitute. He's a tough customer!



Leigh said...

I'm glad you've found a professional that understands your situation. The recommendations sure seem to be right on target and I never would have thought of that.

Hope the little man is back to his norman schedule soon!

Heather M. said...

Well, update us blogger addicts! :) How are things going this summer??? I know you had a hard decision to make with Adam's care...hoping it all turned out well. Loving the little tie by the way!

Heather M.
Recently home with Caleigh from CanTho